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transformPicture ( aPicture : picture , operator : integer , param1 : real , param2 : real , param3 : real , param4 : real ) : picture

aPicturepicture->Source picture to be transformed
operatorinteger->Type of transformation to be done
param1real->Transformation parameter
param2real->Transformation parameter
param3real->Transformation parameter
param4real->Transformation parameter
Resultpicture<-Resulting picture after transformatione


The transformPicture command applies a transformation of the operator type to the picture passed in the aPicture parameter.

The source picture is modified directly after execution of the command. Note that certain operations are not destructive and can be reversed by performing the opposite operation or by means of the “Reset” operation. For example, a picture reduced to 1% will regain its original size with no alteration if it is enlarged by a factor of 100 subsequently. Transformations do not modify the original picture type: for example, a vectorial picture will remain vectorial after its transformation.

See also
