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  stops the execution of the error-handling method and returns
abortProcessByID ( uniqueID : integer )
  stops a specific process on the Qodly Server
abs ( number : number ) : number
  returns the absolute (unsigned, positive) value of number
addToDate ( aDate : date , years : integer , months : integer , days : integer) : date
  adds years, months, and days to the date you pass in aDate, then returns the result
arctan ( number : number ) : number
  returns the angle, expressed in radians, of the tangent number
assert( boolExpression : boolean )
assert( boolExpression : boolean, msg : string )

  evaluates the boolExpression assertion passed in parameter and, if it returns false, stops the code execution with an error message
asserted( boolExpression : boolean ) : boolean
asserted( boolExpression : boolean, msg : string ) : boolean

  returns the result of the evaluation of the boolExpression parameter. If boolExpression is false and if assertions are enabled, the error -10518 is generated
base64Encode ( toEncode : blob, string , encoded : blob, string {, *} )
   encodes the string or blob value passed in the toEncode parameter in Base64 or Base64URL format
base64Decode ( toEncode : blob, string , encoded : blob, string {, *} )
   decodes the string or blob value coded in Base64 or Base64URL format passed in the toDecode parameter
blobToPicture ( pictureBlob : blob , aPicture : picture , codec : string )
  inserts a picture stored in a blob into a Qodly picture variable, regardless of its original format
bool ( expression : any ) : boolean
  returns the boolean form of the expression you passed in expression
callChain : collection
  returns a collection of objects describing each step of the method call chain within the current process
callWorker( process : string , formula : 4D.Function {, param {, ...paramN } : integer } )
callWorker ( process : string , formula : string {, param {, ...paramN } : integer } )
callWorker ( process : integer , formula : 4D.Function {, param {, ...paramN } : integer } )
callWorker ( process : integer , formula : string {, param {, ...paramN } : integer } )

  creates or calls the worker process whose name or ID you passed in process and requests the execution of the code designated by formula in its context with the optional param parameter(s)
changeString ( source : string , newChars : string , where : integer ) : string
  changes a group of characters in source and returns the resulting string
char ( charCode : integer ) : string
  returns the UTF-16 character whose code is charCode
characterCode ( character : string ) : integer
  returns the Unicode UTF-16 code (included between 1 and 65535) of character
clearSemaphore( semaphore : string )
  erases semaphore previously set by the semaphore command
combinePictures ( resultingPict : picture , pict1 : picture , operator : integer , pict2 : picture , horOffset : integer , vertOffset : integer )
  combines the pict1 and pict2 pictures in operator mode in order to produce a third, resultingPict
compareStrings ( aString : string , bString : string { , options : integer } ) : integer
  returns a negative, zero, or positive value depending on if aString is evaluated as lower, equal, or higher than bString.
convertFromString ( aString : string , charSetString : string ) : blob
convertFromString ( aString : string , charSetInt : integer ) : blob

  can be used to convert a string expressed in the current character set to a string expressed in another character set
convertPicture ( aPicture : picture , codec : string )
convertPicture ( aPicture : picture , codec : string , compression : number )

  converts aPicture into a new type
convertToString ( aBlob : blob , charSetString : string ) : string
convertToString ( aBlob : blob , charSetInt : integer ) : string

  converts the text contained in the aBlob parameter and returns it in text expressed in the character set of Qodly
cos ( number : number ) : number
   returns the cosine of number, where number is expressed in radians
createThumbnail ( source : picture , dest : picture , width : integer , height : integer , mode : integer , depth : integer )
  returns a thumbnail from a given source picture
currentDate : date
  returns the current date from the server
currentMethodName : string
  returns the method name where it has been invoked
currentProcess : integer
  returns the process ID of the process within which this command is called
currentProcessName : string
  returns the name of the process within which this command is called
currentTime : time
  returns the current time from the server (GMT)
date ( exprString : string ) : date
date ( exprDate : date ) : date

  evaluates exprString or exprDate and returns a date
dayNumber ( aDate : date ) : integer
  returns a number representing the weekday on which aDate falls
dayOf ( aDate : date ) : integer
  returns the day of the month of aDate
dec ( number : number ) : number
  returns the decimal (fractional) portion of number
delayProcess ( process : integer , duration : number )
  delays the execution of process for a duration expressed in number of ticks (1 tick = 1/60th of a second)
deleteString ( source : string , where : integer , numChars : integer ) : string
  deletes numChars from source, starting at where, and returns the resulting string
ds : cs.DataStore
  returns a reference to the datastore matching the current Qodly database
equalPictures ( picture1 : picture, picture2 : picture, mask : picture ) : boolean
  precisely compares both the dimensions and the contents of two pictures
exp ( number : number ) : number
  raises the natural log base (e = 2.71828...) by the power of number
false : boolean
  returns the boolean value false
file ( path : string ) : 4D.File
  creates and returns a new object of the 4D.File type
folder ( path : string ) : 4D.Folder
  creates and returns a new object of the 4D.Folder type
formula ( formulaExp : expression ) : 4D.Function
  creates a 4D Function object based upon the formulaExp expression
formulaFromString( formulaString : string ) : 4D.Function
  creates a 4D.Function object based upon formulaString
generateUUID : string
  returns a new 32-character UUID identifier in non-canonical form
generateDigest ( param : any , algorithm : integer {, *}) : string
  returns the digest key of a blob or string after application of an encryption algorithm
generatePasswordHash ( password : string , options : object ) : string
   returns a secure password hash generated by a cryptographic hash algorithm
getAssertEnabled : boolean
  returns true or false according to whether or not assertions are enabled in the current process
getPictureFileName ( aPicture : picture) : string
  returns the current default name of the picture passed as parameter
getPictureMetadata ( aPicture : picture , metaName : string , metaContents : variable )
  can be used to read the contents of the metadata (or meta-tags) found in aPicture (picture variable)
getProcessActivity: object
  returns a snapshot of running processes at a given time
highestProcessNumber : integer
  returns the highest alive process number in the Qodly Server
insertString ( source : string , what : string , where : integer ) : string
  inserts a string into source and returns the resulting string
instanceOf ( object : object , class : object ) : boolean
  returns true if object belongs to class or to one of its child classes, and false otherwise
int ( number : number ) : number
  returns the integer portion of number
jsonResolvePointers ( aObject : object , options : object) : object
  resolves all the JSON pointers found in the aObject, with regards to options settings (if any)
jsonStringify ( value : any {, *} ) : string
  converts the value parameter into a JSON string
jsonValidate ( vJson : object , vSchema : object) : object
  checks the compliance of the vJson JSON contents with the rules defined in the vSchema JSON schema
killWorker( process : string )
killWorker( process : integer )

  posts a message to the worker process whose name or number you passed in process, asking it to ignore any pending messages and to terminate its execution as soon as the current task ends
lastErrors : collection
  returns the current stack of errors of the Qodly application as a collection of error objects, or null if no error occurred
length ( aString : string ) : integer
  returns the number of characters that are in a aString.
log ( number : number ) : number
  returns the natural (Napierian) log of number
lowercase ( aString : string {, *} ) : string
  takes aString and returns the string with all alphabetic characters in lowercase
mailConvertFromMIME( mimeblob : blob ) : object
mailConvertFromMIME( mimestring : string ) : object

  converts a MIME document into a valid email object
mailConvertToMIME( mail : object { , options : object } ) : string
  converts an email object into MIME string
matchRegex ( pattern : string , aString : string ) : boolean
matchRegex ( pattern : string , aString : string , start : integer {, *} ) : boolean
matchRegex ( pattern : string , aString : string , start : integer , pos_found : integer , length_found : integer {, *} ) : boolean

  searches for the regular expression pattern in aString
methodCalledOnError( { scope : integer } ) : string
  returns the name of the method installed by onErrCall for the current process or the defined scope
milliseconds : integer
  returns the number of milliseconds (1000th of a second) elapsed since the server was started
mod ( number1 : integer, number2 : integer) : number
  returns the remainder of the integer division of number1 by number2
monthOf ( aDate : date ) : integer
  returns the month number of aDate
newCollection {( ...value : any )} : collection
   creates a new empty or prefilled collection
newObject {( property : string , value : any {, : string , ...value : any} ) } : object
  creates a new empty or prefilled object and returns its reference
newSharedCollection {( ...value : any )} : collection
   creates a new empty or prefilled shared collection
newSharedObject {( property : string , value : any {, : string , ...value : any} ) } : object
  creates a new empty or prefilled shared object and returns its reference
newSignal { ( description : string ) } : 4D.Signal
  creates a 4D.Signal object
not ( aBoolean : boolean ) : boolean
  returns the negation of aBoolean, changing true to false or false to true
num ( expression : string {, separator : string } ) : number
num ( expression : number ) : number
num ( expression : boolean ) : number

  returns the numeric form of the string, boolean or numeric expression you pass in expression
objectClass ( object : object ) : object
  returns the class of the object passed in parameter
objectCopy ( object : object ) : object
objectCopy ( object : object , option : integer ) : object
objectCopy ( object : object , option : integer , groupWith : object ) : object
objectCopy ( object : object , option : integer , groupWith : collection ) : object

  returns an object containing a complete (deep) copy of the properties, sub-objects and values for the object
objectEntries ( object : object ) : collection
  returns a collection of objects containing the contents of the object as key / value property pairs
objectIsDefined ( object : object {, property : string } ) : boolean
  returns true if object or property is defined, and false otherwise
objectIsEmpty ( object : object ) : boolean
  returns true if object is undefined or empty, and false if object is defined (initialized) and contains at least one property
objectIsShared ( object : object ) : boolean
objectIsShared ( collection : collection ) : boolean

  returns true if object or collection is shareable, and false if it is alterable
objectKeys ( object : object ) : collection
  returns a collection of strings containing all of the enumerable property names of the object
objectRemove ( object : object , property : string )
  removes property from the object
objectValues ( object : object ) : collection
  returns a collection of variants containing all of the enumerable property values of the object
onErrCall( errorMethod : string )
onErrCall( errorMethod : string , scope : integer )

  installs the project method, whose name you pass in errorMethod, as the method for catching (trapping) errors for the defined execution context in the current project
pictureProperties ( aPicture : picture , width : number , height : number , hOffset : integer , vOffset : integer , mode : integer )
  returns information about the picture you pass in aPicture
pictureSize ( aPicture : picture) : integer
  returns the size of aPicture in bytes
pictureToBlob ( aPicture : picture , pictureBlob : blob , codec : string )
   converts a picture stored in a variable to another format and places the resulting picture in a blob
position ( find : string , aString : string , start : integer {, *} ) : integer
position ( find : string , aString : string , start : integer , lengthFound : integer {, *} ) : integer
position ( find : string , aString : string , start : integer , lengthFound : integer , options : integer ) : integer

  returns the position of the first occurrence of find in aString
processNumber ( name : string ) : integer
  returns the number of the process whose name you pass in name
processProperties ( process : integer , procName : string , procState : integer , procTime : integer )
processProperties ( process : integer , procName : string , procState : integer , procTime : integer , procMode : boolean )
processProperties ( process : integer , procName : string , procState : integer , procTime : integer , procMode : boolean , uniqueID : integer )
processProperties ( process : integer , procName : string , procState : integer , procTime : integer , procMode : boolean , uniqueID : integer , origin : integer )

  returns various information about the process whose process number you pass in process
processState ( process : integer ) : integer
  returns the state of the process whose number you pass in process
random: integer
  returns a random integer value between 0 and 32,767 (inclusive)
replaceString ( source : string , oldString : string , newString : string , howMany : integer {, *}) : string
  replaces howMany occurrences of oldString in source with newString
round ( round : number, places : integer) : number
  returns number rounded to the number of decimal places specified by places
semaphore ( semaphore : string { , tickCount : integer } ) : boolean
  returns true and does nothing if semaphore already exists, or creates semaphore and returns false if it does not exist
session : 4D.Session
  returns the Session object corresponding to the current scalable user web session
setAssertEnabled(assertions : boolean { , /* } )
  can be used to disable or re-enable any assertions inserted into the Qodly code of the application
setPictureFileName ( aPicture : picture , fileName : string)
  sets or changes the default file name for the picture passed as parameter
setPictureMetadata ( aPicture : picture , metaName : string , metaContents : variable )
  lets you set or modify the contents of the metadata (or meta-tags) found in the picture (Qodly picture variable), when they are modifiable
setRealComparisonLevel ( epsilon : number )
  sets the epsilon value used by Qodly to compare real values and expressions for equality
sin ( number : number ) : number
   returns the sine of number, where number is expressed in radians
splitString ( stringToSplit : string , separator : string {, options : integer }) : collection
  returns a collection of strings, created by splitting stringToSplit into substrings at the boundaries specified by the separator parameter
squareRoot ( number : number) : number
  returns the square root of number
storage : object
  returns the catalog of shared objects or shared collections that you have registered in the storage object on the current application
string ( expression : number { , format : string } ) : string
string ( expression : any { , format : integer { , addTime : time }} ) : string

   returns the string form of the numeric, date, time, string or boolean expression you pass in expression
substring ( source : string , firstChar : integer , numChars : integer ) : string
  returns the portion of source defined by firstChar and numChars
tan ( number : number ) : number
   returns the tangent of number, where number is expressed in radians
testSemaphore ( semaphore : string ) : boolean
  tests for the existence of semaphore
throw( errorCode : integer {, description : string } )
throw( errorObj : object )

  creates an error that will be thrown immediately or when the calling code returns to its caller (deferred mode)
time ( timeString : string ) : time
time ( timeValue : integer ) : time

  returns a time expression equivalent to the time specified in the timeString or timeValue parameter
timeString ( secondsTime : time ) : string
timeString ( secondsValue : integer ) : string

  returns the string form of the time expression you pass in secondsTime or secondsValue
timestamp : string
  returns the current UTC time in ISO format with milliseconds, i.e. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
  to debug your code during the development of an application
transformPicture ( aPicture : picture , operator : integer , param1 : real , param2 : real , param3 : real , param4 : real ) : picture
  applies a transformation of the operator type to the picture passed in the aPicture parameter
true : boolean
  returns the boolean value true
trunc ( number : number, places : integer) : number
  returns number with its decimal part truncated to the number of decimal places specified by places
uppercase ( aString : string {, *} ) : string
  takes aString and returns the string with all alphabetic characters in uppercase.
verifyPasswordHash ( password : string , hash : string ) : boolean
   verifies that the given hash matches the given password
webEvent : object
  returns an object with information on a triggered event linked to a Page component
webForm : 4D.WebForm
   returns a 4D.WebForm proxy object, providing a means to work with and effectively emulates the Page's properties and functions
webServer : 4D.WebServer
  returns a Web server object
webServerList : collection
   returns a collection of all Web server objects available in the Qodly application
yearOf ( aDate : date ) : integer
  returns the year of aDate
zipCreateArchive ( fileToZip : 4D.File , destinationFile : 4D.File ) : object
zipCreateArchive ( folderToZip : 4D.Folder , destinationFile : 4D.File { , options : integer }) : object
zipCreateArchive ( zipStructure : object , destinationFile : 4D.File ) : object

  creates a compressed ZIP archive object and returns the status of the operation
zipReadArchive ( zipFile : 4D.File { , password : string }) : 4D.ZipArchive
  retrieves the contents of zipFile and returns it as a 4D.ZipArchive object