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Version: 1.0.0


base64Encode ( toEncode : blob, string , encoded : blob, string {, *} )

toEncodeblob, stringValue to encode
Encoded value (if encoded parameter omitted)
encodedblob, stringEncoded value
*Encode in Base64URL format


The base64Encode command encodes the string or blob value passed in the toEncode parameter in Base64 or Base64URL format.

Base64 encoding modifies 8-bit coded data so that they do not keep more than 7 useful bits. This encoding is required, for example, for handling blobs using xml. Base64URL is an alernative encoding with a specific processing for URLs and filenames (see rfc4648).

Pass in toEncode a string or blob value to encode.


When you pass a string value, the command encodes the utf-8 representation of the string.

If you pass the encoded parameter, it receives the encoded contents of toEncode as string or blob at the end of command execution. In this case, the toEncode parameter itself is not modified by the command.

If you omit the encoded parameter, the command directly modifies the toEncode parameter.

By default if the * parameter is omitted, the command uses a Base64 encoding. If you pass the * parameter, the command uses a Base64URL encoding.

See also
