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objectIsDefined ( object : object {, property : string } ) : boolean

objectobjectObject to work with
propertystringIf passed = property to check, if omitted = check object
  • If property omitted: true if object is defined, otherwise false.
  • If property passed: true if property is defined, otherwise false.
  • Description

    The objectIsDefined command returns true if object or property is defined, and false otherwise.

    By default, if you omit the property parameter, the command checks whether the object is defined. An object is defined if its contents has been initialized.


    An object can be defined but empty. To find out if an object is undefined or empty, use the objectIsEmpty command.

    If you pass the property parameter, the command checks whether this property exists in object. Note that the property parameter is case sensitive. If the property is not found at the first level of object, the command does nothing.

    Example 1

     var obj : object
    var def : boolean
    def = objectIsDefined(obj) //false, obj is not initialized

    obj = newObject("Name","Martin")
    objectRemove(obj, "Name")
    def = objectIsDefined(obj) //true, obj is empty but initialized

    Example 2

     var obj : object

    obj = newObject("Name","Smith", "Age", 42)

    This test is equivalent to:

     if(valueType(obj,"Age") != Is undefined)

    See also
