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uppercase ( aString : string {, *} ) : string

aStringstring->String to convert to uppercase
*->If passed: keep accents
Resultstring<-String in uppercase


uppercase takes aString and returns the string with all alphabetic characters in uppercase..

The optional * parameter, if passed, indicates that any accented characters present in aString must be returned as accented uppercase characters. By default, when this parameter is omitted, accented characters “lose” their accents after the conversion is carried out.

Example 1

This example compares the results obtained according to whether or not the * parameter has been passed:

 var thestring : string
thestring = uppercase("hélène") // thestring is "HELENE"
thestring = uppercase("hélène",*) // thestring is "HÉLÈNE"

Example 2

See the example for lowercase.

See also
