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Datastore Permissions

Purpose and Scope

Datastore permissions are crucial for controlling access to your entire Datastore. By configuring these permissions, you establish a primary defense mechanism against unauthorized access and alterations to critical mission data.

Risk of Unrestricted Access

Without proper setup, your application faces the risk of unregulated access. In this scenario, every user gains unrestricted access to all Datastore resources, posing inherent risks.

To illustrate, envision an unauthorized user attempting an HTTP request to the Package Dataclass REST API endpoint. This unchecked data access allows unauthorized actions, including accessing confidential user information, posing a uniform risk across all Dataclasses.

Configuring Datastore Permissions

To set Datastore permissions for a specific privilige:

  • Selecting the resource name, ds, from the dropdown list to signify the Datastore resource.
  • Typing the resource name, ds, directly into the search bar.

The icon in the dropdown list indicates the Datastore ressource.

Max Restriction to Gradual Expansion

To address the risks of unrestricted access, Qodly employs an utmost controlled data interaction strategy called All Data Inaccessible by Default. This approach restricts access to the entire Datastore by default, gradually expanding access to specific Dataclasses through other privileges achieved by applying Dataclasses Permissions.

Introducing Restricted Privilege

At the core of the Datastore Lockdown strategy lies the concept of the Restricted privilege. This privilege operates as a safeguarding mechanism. It restricts all actions on the Datastore, thereby rendering it inaccessible until specific permissions are meticulously set up.


This ensures that users, even without defined roles or privileges, cannot access any resources within the Datastore.

Configuring Permissions

Having established a privilege, like Restricted, assigning permissions to the Datastore involves a range of permissions, spanning from Read to Execute.


By applying all permissions to the ds resource without tying it to any role, malicious access attempts are stopped. This safeguard transforms the website into a secure vault, true to its name.

Attempting to access the same REST API Endpoints will result in a No permission to read for the Package dataclass response, a rule that extends across all Dataclasses.

Full Access to Gradual Restriction

In the pursuit of strict access control, the Guest privilege emerges as an alternative strategy for unauthorized users. This privilege allows full access to the entire Datastore, gradually restricting access to specific resources through other privileges achieved by applying Dataclasses Permissions.

Introducing the Guest Privilege

When a role lacks specific privileges, Qodly assigns the Guest privilege to that Session. This allows users without defined privileges to access non-restricted resources while preventing potentially harmful activities with other resources. This ensures users interact within well-defined boundaries.


The Guest privilege grants access to all resources if no explicit permissions are in place.

Configuring the Guest Privilege

The Guest privilege is established in the Privileges tab by default, ready to extend a welcoming hand to users without yet having established a formal identity.

Configuring Read Access

To grant the read access to the Guest privilege, a deliberate transition is required, by:

  1. Cease complete permissions control over the Datastore from the Restricted privilege.
  2. Subsequently, the focus shifts to specifically assigning the read permission to the Datastore, thereby endowing the Guest privilege with the sole capability of read access.

Through this transition, you bestow the Guest privilege with the ability for informed discovery, enabling access to a wealth of data, including details about flights, hotels, activities, and more, all while ensuring that critical information remains safeguarded against unauthorized modifications.


However, it's essential to acknowledge that not all data should be made accessible to users. Sensitive User data, confidential Reporting documents, and other private information must remain restricted.

To navigate this intricate balance between data accessibility and security, we turn our attention to the next crucial step: utilizing DataClass Permissions to selectively shape and control access to specific sets of data.

Permission Management

Inherited Permissions

Permissions of the Guest privilege are automatically inherited across various privileges. This parallels the behavior observed in the Restricted privilege, where the capability of reading from the Datastore is evident.

The icon indicates that the permission is inherited, granting access to the resource. However, when you remove this privilege, the inherited permissions also vanish from the privilege that was receiving them.


You can retain the inherited permission by checking the checkbox , ensuring that even if the originating privilege is deleted, the permission set on the resource remains intact.

Supplementing Permissions

Datastore permissions maintain adaptability, allowing for supplementation as necessary.

Augmenting Datastore permissions within the ManageContent privilege provides the Guest privilege with the freedom to have read access to the entire Datastore. However, it restricts editing, updating, and creating access to specific users who have the ManageContent privilege.