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DataClass Permissions

Purpose and Scope

DataClass Permissions empower you with the ability to shape and control access to specific DataClasses within your Datastore. These permissions dictate what actions and interactions users are allowed to perform on individual DataClasses.

Configuring DataClass Permissions

DataClass-level permissions hold the power to override or supplement those set at the DataStore level. To set DataClass permissions for a specific privilige:

  • Choose the resource name, like the Employee dataclass, from the dropdown list.
  • Alternatively, type the resource name, such as Employee dataclass, directly into the search bar.

The icon in the dropdown list indicates DataClass ressources.

Hierarchy and Overrides

Expanding on the second solution, it starts by granting the Guest privilege initial read access to the entire Datastore before gradually restricting access to other resources through DataClass permissions, excluding the Guest privilege from specific Dataclasses.

While Datastore permissions cascade down to more specific Dataclasses levels, they remain adaptable, allowing for overrides or supplements as required.

Setting DataClass permissions in the Restricted privilege grants the Guest privilege the freedom to explore the Datastore while restricting access to confidential resources.


In this context, the permissions set at the DataStore level ( Guest ) is overridden by the Restricted privilege. As a result, those with a Guest role no longer have access to the Employee dataclass.

A similar approach applies to confidential Reporting documents and Bookings. The ManageReports privilege is granted total permissions for the Reporting resource, and ManageBookings similarly gains full control over the Booking resource.