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The Text component is a UI element designed to display text content on Pages.

Use Cases

The Text component is capable of fulfilling various text display needs:

  • Static Text: Use it to display unchanging content such as instructions, labels, and consistent information.

  • Dynamic Content: The Text component is not limited to static text. It can display dynamic content pulled from your Qodly Sources. This dynamic feature allows you to show text that adapts and updates based on data values.

Properties Customization

Enhance the Text component to align with your application's requirements using the following customization options:

  • Style Buttons: Apply various text styles such as Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough to the selected portion of text.
  • Toggle Qodly Source: Bind the Text component's content to a qodlysource, making the text content dynamic and data-driven. By inserting a placeholder in the text on the canvas and specifying the qodlysource path (using keywords like package.description or $This in iterative components), you can dynamically populate the text content.
  • Format Support: Depending on the chosen qodlysource, the Text component may offer format options to ensure the displayed data is presented in the desired manner like date formats. See Formats for a description of available formats.
  • Toggle Link: Insert hyperlinks within the text content, binding them to specific text labels. You can choose whether the link opens in the same browser tab or a new tab. The link itself can be either a static URL or a dynamic value derived from qodlysources.

When the hyperlink directs to a file path within the Shared folder, it doesn't open in a new tab; instead, the browser triggers a download. This follows the same concept as Navigate to Shared Folder Content through the External Link option.

Data Integration

The Text component is not limited to static text, it is also data-bound, which means it depends on a qodlysource to populate its options.

Data Binding

The Text component's content can be dynamically bound to Qodly Sources through the properties customization using the Toggle Qodly Source option.


Alternatively, you can establish the connection by dragging and dropping a qodlysource of type text, number, date, or duration onto the Page, resulting in the automatic addition of a Text component with the qodlysource bound to it.

Triggers and Events

The Text component can respond to various events, enabling dynamic user experiences. Events that can trigger actions within the component include:

On ClickCalls for an action when the user clicks on the component.
On DblClickCalls for an action when the user double-clicks on the component.
On MouseEnterCalls for an action when the user's mouse cursor enters the area of the component.
On MouseLeaveCalls for an action when the user's mouse cursor exits the area of the component.