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The Icon component is a UI element that displays graphical symbols or icons in web applications.

Use Cases

The Icon component serves various purposes within user interfaces, including:

  • Action Indicators: Icons are used to represent actions, such as "Save," "Delete," or "Print".

  • Navigation Enhancements: Icons can be employed to enhance navigation by representing menu items, links, or categories.

  • Information Presentation: Icons are utilized to visually convey information, such as alerts, warnings, or success messages.

Properties Customization

Enhance the Icon component to align with your application's requirements using the following customization options:

  • Icon: Select the desired icon from a predefined list of icons.

Data Integration

When it comes to data-binding, it's important to note that the Icon component itself is not inherently data-bound. Unlike components like the DataTable that derive their content from specified qodlysources, the main purpose of the Icon component is to provide a visual representation.

Triggers and Events

The Icon component can respond to various events, enabling dynamic user experiences. Events that can trigger actions within the component include:

On ClickCalls for an action when the user clicks on the component.
On KeyupCalls for an action when a keyboard key is released while the component is in focus
On KeyDownCalls for an action when a keyboard key is pressed down while the component is in focus.
On MouseEnterCalls for an action when the user's mouse cursor enters the area of the component.
On MouseLeaveCalls for an action when the user's mouse cursor exits the area of the component.