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Error handling

Error handling is the process of anticipating and responding to errors that might occur in your application. Qodly provides a comprehensive support for catching and reporting errors at runtime, as well as for investigating their conditions.

Error handling meets two main needs:

  • finding out and fixing potential errors and bugs in your code during the development phase,
  • catching and recovering from unexpected errors in deployed applications; in particular, you can replace system error messages with you own interface.

Basically, there are two ways to handle errors in QodlyScript. You can:

Error or status

Many QuodlyScript class functions, such as or transporter.send(), return a status object. This object is used to store "predictable" errors in the runtime context, e.g. invalid password, locked entity, etc., that do not stop program execution. This category of errors can be handled by regular code.

Other "unpredictable" errors include write error, network failure, or in general any unexpected interruption. This category of errors generates exceptions and needs to be handled through an error-handling method or a try() keyword.

Installing an error-handling method

In Qodly, all errors can be caught and handled by specific methods, named error-handling (or error-catching) methods.

Once installed, error handlers are automatically called in case of error in the Qodly application. A different error handler can be called depending on the execution context (see below).

To install an error-handling method, you just need to call the onErrCall command with the method name and (optionnally) scope as parameters. For example:

onErrCall("IO_Errors",kLocal) //Installs a local error-handling method

To stop catching errors for an execution context and give back hand, call onErrCall with an empty string:

onErrCall("",kLocal) //gives back control for the local process

The methodCalledOnError command allows you to know the name of the method installed by onErrCall for the current process. It is particularly useful in the context of generic code because it enables you to temporarily change and then restore the error-catching method:

 var methCurrent : string
methCurrent = methodCalledOnError(kLocal)
...//Processing with specific error handling
//Reinstallation of previous method

Scope and components

An error-handling method can be set for different execution contexts:

  • for the current process- a local error handler will be only called for errors that occurred in the current process of the current project,
  • for the whole application- a global error handler will be called for all errors that occurred in the application execution context of the current project.


onErrCall("IO_Errors",kLocal) //Installs a local error-handling method
onErrCall("globalHandler",kGlobal) //Installs a global error-handling method

You can install a global error handler that will serve as "fallback" and specific local error handlers for certain processes.

You can define a single error-catching method for the whole application or different methods per application module. However, only one method can be installed per execution context and per project. When an error occurs, only one method is called.

Handling errors within the method

Within a custom error method, you can use several commands that will help you identifying the error:

  • the lastErrors command that returns a collection of the current stack of errors that occurred in the Qodly application.
  • the callChain command that returns a collection of objects describing each step of the method call chain within the current process.


Here is a simple error-handling system:

// installing the error handling method
//... executing code
onErrCall("") //giving control back to Qodly
// errorMethod project method  
var errNum : integer
var message : string
errNum = lastErrors[0].errCode
if(errNum != 1006) //this is not a user interruption
message = "Error "+string(errNum)+" occurred ("+lastErrors[0].message+").")

Using an empty error-handling method

If you mainly want the standard error messages to be hidden, you can install an empty error-handling method. The lastErrors command can be called in any method, i.e. outside of the error-handling method:

onErrCall("emptyMethod") //emptyMethod exists but is empty
var errNum : integer
var errText : string
if (errNum == -43)
errText = "File not found."


The try(expression) statement allows you to test a single-line expression in its actual execution context (including, in particular, variable values) and to intercept errors it throws so that the Qodly error dialog box is not displayed. Using try(expression) provides an easy way to handle simple error cases with a very low number of code lines, and without requiring an error-handling method.

The formal syntax of the try(expression) statement is:

try (expression) : any | undefined

expression can be any valid expression.

If an error occurred during its execution, it is intercepted and no error dialog is displayed, whether an error-handling method was installed or not before the call to try(). If expression returns a value, try() returns the last evaluated value, otherwise it returns undefined.

You can handle the error(s) using the lastErrors command. If expression throws an error within a stack of try() calls, the execution flow stops and returns to the latest executed try() (the first found back in the call stack).


If an error-handling method is installed by expression, it is called in case of error.


  1. You want to display the contents of a file if the file can be open without error, and if its contents can be read. You can write:
var text : string
var file : 4D.File = file("/SOURCES/Shared/myFile.txt")
var fileHandle : 4D.FileHandle = try(
if (fileHandle != null)
text = try(fileHandle.readText()) || "Error reading the file"
  1. You want to handle the divide by zero error. In this case, you want to return 0 and log an error:
function divide( p1 : real , p2 : real) -> result : real
if (p2 == 0)
result = 0 //only for clarity (0 is the default for reals)
throw(-12345 , "Division by zero")
result = p1/p2

function test() -> result : real
var info = string
result = try(divide(p1 , p2))
if (lastErrors != null)
info = "Error"

  1. You want to handle both predictable and non-predictable errors:
var e =
var status = object
var info = string = "Smith"
status = try( //catch predictable and non-predictable errors
if (status.success)
info = "Success"
info = "Error: "+jsonStringify(status.errors)


The try...catch...end structure allows you to test a block code in its actual execution context (including, in particular, variable values) and to intercept errors it throws so that the no Qodly error is displayed.

Unlike the try(expression) keyword that evaluates a single-line expression, the try...catch...end structure allows you to evaluate any code block, from the most simple to the most complex, without requiring an error-handling method. In addition, the catch block can be used to handle the error in any custom way.

The formal syntax of the try...catch...end structure is:

statement(s) // Code to evaluate
statement(s) // Code to execute in case of error

The code placed between the try and the catch keywords is first executed, then the flow depends on the error(s) encountered during this execution.

  • If no error is thrown, the code execution continues after the corresponding end keyword. The code placed between the catch and the end keywords is not executed.
  • If the code block execution throws a non-deferred error, the execution flow stops and executes the corresponding catch code block.
  • If the code block execution throws a deferred error, the execution flow continues until the end of the try block and then executes the corresponding catch code block.

If a deferred error is thrown outside of the try block, the code execution continues until the end of the method or function.


For more information on deferred and non-deferred errors, please refer to the throw command description.

In the catch code block, you can handle the error(s) using standard error handling commands. The lastErrors command contains the last errors collection. You can declare an error-handling method in this code block, in which case it is called in case of error.


If an error-handling method is installed in the code placed between the try and the catch keywords, it is called in case of error.


Combining transactions and try...catch...end structures allows writing secured code for critical features.

function createInvoice(customer : cs.customerEntity, items : collection, invoiceRef : string) : cs.invoiceEntity
var newInvoice : cs.invoiceEntity
var newInvoiceLine : cs.invoiceLineEntity
var item : object
forEach (item, items)
//call other specific functions to validate invoiceline
return newInvoice