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Collections are ordered lists of values of similar or mixed types (text, number, date, object, boolean, collection, or null).

Collection type variables are managed using object notation.

To access a collection element, you need to pass the element number inside square brackets:


You can pass any valid expression which returns a positive integer in expression. Examples:

 myCollection[5]  //access to 6th element of the collection

Collection elements are numbered from 0.

You can assign a value to a collection element or get a collection element value:

 myCol[10] = "My new element"
myVar = myCol[0]

If you assign an element's index that surpasses the last existing element of the collection, the collection is automatically resized and all new intermediary elements are assigned a null value:

 var myCol : collection
myCol = newCollection("A","B")
myCol[5] = "Z"
//myCol[2]: null
//myCol[3]: null
//myCol[4]: null


Collections must be instantiated, otherwise trying to read or modify their elements will generate a syntax error.

Collection instantiation can be done in one of the following ways:

  • using the newCollection command,
  • using the [] operator.

Several QodlyScript commands and functions return collections, for example lastErrors or collection.copy(). In this case, it is not necessary to instantiate explicitely the collection, the QodlyScript language does it for you.

newCollection command

The newCollection command creates a new empty or prefilled collection and returns its reference.


 var colVar : collection //creation of collection type variable
//instantiation of the collection and assignment to the variable
colVar = newCollection

var colFilled : collection
//instantiation and assignment of a prefilled collection
colFilled = newCollection("a","b",1,42,{})

[] operator

The [] operator allows you to create a collection literal. A collection literal is a list of zero or more expressions, each of which represents a collection element, enclosed in square brackets ([]). When you create a collection using a collection literal, it is instantiated with the specified values as its elements, and its length is set to the number of arguments specified.

Since any element is considered an expression, you can create sub-collections using [] in elements. You can also create and reference object literals.

If an element is undefined, it will appear as Null in the collection.


var col1,col2,users : collection
col1 = [] //empty collection
col2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6] //collection of numbers
//collection of objects
users = [{name: "Alice", \
height: 183, \
eyecolor: "hazel", \
id: col2[5]\
}, \
{name: "Bob", \
height: 172, \
eyecolor: "blue"\

Regular or shared collection

You can create two types of collections:

  • regular (non-shared) collections, using the newCollection command or collection literal syntax ([]). These collections can be edited without any specific access control but cannot be shared between processes.
  • shared collections, using the newSharedCollection command. These collections can be shared between processes, including preemptive threads. Access to these collections is controlled by use...end structures.

For more information, refer to the Shared objects and collections section.

Collection functions

Qodly collection references benefit from dedicated class functions. Collection functions are listed in the Collection class.

For example:

newCol = col.copy() //deep copy of col to newCol
col.push(10,100) //add 10 and 100 to the collection

Some functions return the original collection after modification, so that you can run the calls in a sequence:

 col = newCollection(5,20)
col2 = col.push(10,100).sort() //col2 == [5,10,20,100]

propertyPath parameter

Several functions accept a propertyPath as parameter. This parameter stands for:

  • either an object property name, for example "lastName"
  • or an object property path, i.e. a hierarchical sequence of sub-properties linked with dot characters, for example "employee.children.firstName".

Collection operators

You can use comparison operators with collection references, which means that you can evaluate if two or more references point to the same instance of a collection.

var c1 = ["a",42] //reference to an instance
var c2 = ["a",42] //reference to a different instance
var c3 = c1 //reference to the same instance

Based upon the code above, the comparison table is:

EqualitycollectionRef == collectionRefboolean$c1 == $c3true
c1 == c2false
InequalitycollectionRef # collectionRefboolean$c1 != $c3false
c1 != c2true