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Version: 1.0.0


Session objects are returned by the Session command. The Session object is automatically created and maintained by the Qodly web server to control the session of a web client (e.g. a browser). This object provides the web developer with an interface to the user session, allowing to manage privileges, store contextual data, share information between processes, and launch session-related preemptive processes.

Functions and properties

.clearPrivileges()    removes all the privileges associated to the session
.expirationDate : string    the expiration date and time of the session cookie
.getPrivileges() : cCollection
returns a collection of all the privilege names associated to the session
.hasPrivilege( privilege : string ) : boolean    returns true if the privilege is associated to the session, and false otherwise
.idleTimeout : integer    the inactivity session timeout (in minutes), after which the session is automatically closed by Qodly
.isGuest() : boolean    returns true if the session is a Guest session (i.e. it has no privileges)
.setPrivileges( privilege : string )
.setPrivileges( privileges : collection )
.setPrivileges( settings : object )
    associates the privilege(s) and/or role(s) defined in the parameter to the session
.storage : object    a shared object that can be used to store information available to all requests of the web client
.userName : string    the user name associated to the session



Does not require any parameters


The .clearPrivileges() function removes all the privileges associated to the session. As a result, the session automatically becomes a Guest session.


//Invalidate a session
var isGuest : boolean

isGuest = session.isGuest() //isGuest is True


.expirationDate : string


The .expirationDate property contains the expiration date and time of the session cookie. The value is expressed as text in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmZ.

This property is read-only. It is automatically recomputed if the .idleTimeout property value is modified.


var expiration : string
expiration = session.expirationDate //eg "2021-11-05T17:10:42Z"


.getPrivileges() : cCollection

ResultcollectionCollection of privilege names (strings)


The .getPrivileges() function returns a collection of all the privilege names associated to the session.


Privileges are assigned to a Session using the setPrivileges() function.


The session role is assigned in an authentify() datastore function:

  //Datastore Class

exposed function authentify( role : string) : string
session.setPrivileges( roles : role})

Assuming the authentify() function is called with the "Medium" role:

var privileges : collection
privileges = Session.getPrivileges()
//privileges : ["simple","medium"]

See also



.hasPrivilege( privilege : string ) : boolean

privilegestringName of the privilege to verify
ResultbooleanTrue if session has privilege, false otherwise


The .hasPrivilege() function returns true if the privilege is associated to the session, and false otherwise.


You want to check if the "WebAdmin" privilege is associated to the session:

if (session.hasPrivilege("WebAdmin"))
//Access is granted, do nothing
//Display an authentication page



.idleTimeout : integer


The .idleTimeout property contains the inactivity session timeout (in minutes), after which the session is automatically closed by Qodly.

If this property is not set, the default value is 60 (1h).

When this property is set, the .expirationDate property is updated accordingly.

The value cannot be less than 60: if a lower value is set, the timeout is raised up to 60.

This property is read write.


if (session.isGuest())
// A Guest session will close after 60 minutes of inactivity
session.idleTimeout = 60
// Other sessions will close after 120 minutes of inactivity
session.idleTimeout = 120


.isGuest() : boolean

ResultbooleanTrue if session is a Guest one, false otherwise


The .isGuest() function returns true if the session is a Guest session (i.e. it has no privileges).


if (session.isGuest())
//Do something for Guest user


.setPrivileges( privilege : string )
.setPrivileges( privileges : collection )
.setPrivileges( settings : object )

privilegestringPrivilege name
privilegescollectionCollection of privilege names
settingsObjectobject with a "privileges" property (string or collection)


The .setPrivileges() function associates the privilege(s) and/or role(s) defined in the parameter to the session.

  • In the privilege parameter, pass a string containing a privilege name (or several comma-separated privilege names).

  • In the privileges parameter, pass a collection of strings containing privilege names.

  • In the settings parameter, pass an object containing the following properties:

privilegesstring or collection
  • String containing a privilege name, or
  • Collection of strings containing privilege names
  • rolesstring or collection
  • String containing a role, or
  • Collection of strings containing roles
  • userNamestringUser name to associate to the session (optional)

    For more information, please refer to the Privileges section.

    If the privileges or roles property contains a name that is not declared, it is ignored.

    By default when no privilege or role is associated to the session, the session is a Guest session.

    The userName property is available at session object level (read-only).


    In a custom authentication method, you set the "WebAdmin" privilege to the user:

    var userOK : boolean

    ... //Authenticate the user

    if (userOK) //The user has been approved
    var info : object
    info = newObject
    info.privileges = newCollection("WebAdmin")


    .storage : object


    The .storage property contains a shared object that can be used to store information available to all requests of the web client.

    When a session object is created, the .storage property is empty. Since it is a shared object, this property will be available in the storage object of the server.

    Like the storage object of the server, the .storage property is always "single": adding a shared object or a shared collection to .storage does not create a shared group.

    This property is read only itself but it returns a read-write object.


    You want to store the client IP in the .storage property:

    if ( == null) //first access
    use ( = newSharedObject("value", clientIP)


    .userName : string


    The .userName property contains the user name associated to the session. You can use it to identify the user within your code.

    This property is an empty string by default. It can be set using the privileges property of the setPrivileges() function.

    This property is read only.