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Version: 1.0.0


The SMTPTransporter class allows you to configure SMTP connections and send emails.

Functions and properties

SMTP Transporter objects provide the following properties and functions: server : object ) : 4D.SMTPTransporter
configures a new IMAP connection
.acceptUnsecureConnection : boolean
true if Qodly is allowed to establish an unencrypted connection
.authenticationMode : string
the authentication mode used to open the session on the mail server
.bodyCharset : string
the charset and encoding used for the body part of the email
.checkConnection() : object
checks the connection using information stored in the transporter object
.connectionTimeOut : integer
the maximum wait time (in seconds) allowed to establish a connection to the server
.headerCharset : string
the charset and encoding used for the email header
.host : string
the name or the IP address of the host server
.keepAlive : boolean
true if the SMTP connection must be kept alive until the transporter object is destroyed
.logFile : string
the path of the extended log file defined (if any) for the mail connection
.port : integer
the port number used for mail transactions
.send( mail : object ) : object
sends the mail object to the SMTP server defined in the transporter object and returns a status object
.sendTimeOut : integer
the maximum wait time (in seconds) of a call to .send() before a timeout occurs
.user : string
the user name used for authentication on the mail server server : object ) : 4D.SMTPTransporter

serverobjectMail server information
Result4D.SMTPTransporterSMTP transporter object


The function configures a new SMTP connection according to the server parameter and returns a new transporter object. The returned transporter object will then usually be used to send emails.


This function does not open any connection to the SMTP server. The SMTP connection is actually opened when the .send() function is executed.

The SMTP connection is automatically closed:

  • when the transporter object is destroyed if the keepAlive property is true (default),
  • after each .send() function execution if the keepAlive property is set to false.

In the server parameter, pass an object containing the following properties:

serverDefault value (if omitted)
.acceptUnsecureConnection : boolean
true if Qodly is allowed to establish an unencrypted connection
.accessTokenOAuth2: string
.accessTokenOAuth2: object
Text string or token object representing OAuth2 authorization credentials. Used only with OAUTH2 authenticationMode. If accessTokenOAuth2 is used but authenticationMode is omitted, the OAuth 2 protocol is used (if allowed by the server). Not returned in the SMTP transporter object.
.authenticationMode : string
the authentication mode used to open the session on the mail server
the most secure authentication mode supported by the server is used
.bodyCharset : string
the charset and encoding used for the body part of the email
mail mode UTF8 (US-ASCII_UTF8_QP)
.connectionTimeOut : integer
the maximum wait time (in seconds) allowed to establish a connection to the server
.headerCharset : string
the charset and encoding used for the email header
mail mode UTF8 (US-ASCII_UTF8_QP)
.host : string
the name or the IP address of the host server
.keepAlive : boolean
true if the SMTP connection must be kept alive until the transporter object is destroyed
.logFile : string
the path of the extended log file defined (if any) for the mail connection
password : string
User password for authentication on the server. Not returned in the SMTP transporter object.
.port : integer
the port number used for mail transactions
.sendTimeOut : integer
the maximum wait time (in seconds) of a call to .send() before a timeout occurs
.user : string
the user name used for authentication on the mail server


The function returns a SMTP transporter object. All returned properties are read-only.


var server : object
var transporter : 4D.SMTPTransporter
var status : object
var info : string

server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 465
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXX"
server.logFile = "LogTest.txt" //Log to save in the Logs folder

transporter = (server)

email = newObject()
email.subject = "my first mail"
email.from = "" = " ,"
email.stringBody = "Hello World"
email.htmlBody = "<h1>Hello World</h1><h4>'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit...'</h4>\
<p>There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available."\
+"The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.</p>"

status = transporter.send(email)
info = "An error occurred: "+status.message


.acceptUnsecureConnection : boolean


The .acceptUnsecureConnection property contains true if Qodly is allowed to establish an unencrypted connection when encrypted connection is not possible.

It contains false if unencrypted connections are unallowed, in which case an error in returned when encrypted connection is not possible.

Available secured ports are:

  • SMTP

    • 465: SMTPS
    • 587 or 25: SMTP with STARTTLS upgrade if supported by the server.
  • IMAP

    • 143: IMAP non-encrypted port
    • 993: IMAP with STARTTLS upgrade if supported by the server
  • POP3

    • 110: POP3 non-encrypted port
    • 995: POP3 with STARTTLS upgrade if supported by the server.


.authenticationMode : string


The .authenticationMode property contains the authentication mode used to open the session on the mail server.

By default, the most secured mode supported by the server is used.

Possible values are:

CRAM-MD5kSMTPAuthenticationCRAMMDAuthentication using CRAM-MD5 protocol
LOGINkSMTPAuthenticationLoginAuthentication using LOGIN protocol
OAUTH2kSMTPAuthenticationOAUTH2Authentication using OAuth2 protocol
PLAINkSMTPAuthenticationPlainAuthentication using PLAIN protocol


.bodyCharset : string


The .bodyCharset property contains the charset and encoding used for the body part of the email.

Possible values:

mail mode ISO2022JPUS-ASCII_ISO-2022-JP_UTF8_QP
  • headerCharset: US-ASCII if possible, Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) & Quoted-printable if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & Quoted-printable
  • bodyCharset: US-ASCII if possible, Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) & 7-bit if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & Quoted-printable
  • mail mode ISO88591ISO-8859-1
  • headerCharset: ISO-8859-1 & Quoted-printable
  • bodyCharset: ISO-8859-1 & 8-bit
  • mail mode UTF8US-ASCII_UTF8_QPheaderCharset & bodyCharset: US-ASCII if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & Quoted-printable (default value)
    mail mode UTF8 in base64US-ASCII_UTF8_B64headerCharset & bodyCharset: US-ASCII if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & base64


    .checkConnection() : object

    ResultobjectStatus of the transporter object connection


    The .checkConnection() function checks the connection using information stored in the transporter object, recreates the connection if necessary, and returns the status. This function allows you to verify that the values provided by the user are valid and consistent.

    Returned object

    The function sends a request to the mail server and returns an object describing the mail status. This object can contain the following properties:

    successbooleantrue if the check is successful, false otherwise
    statusnumber(SMTP only) Status code returned by the mail server (0 in case of an issue unrelated to the mail processing)
    statusTexttextStatus message returned by the mail server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack
    errorscollectionQodly error stack (not returned if a mail server response is received)
    [ ].errCodenumberQodly error code
    [ ].messagetextDescription of the Qodly error
    [ ].componentSignaturetextSignature of the internal component which returned the error

    For information about SMTP status codes, please refer to this page.


    var options : object
    var transporter : 4D.SMTPTransporter
    var info : string

    options = newObject() = ""
    options.user = ""
    options.password = "XXXXXX"

    transporter = (options)

    status = transporter.checkConnection()
    if(status.success == true)
    info = "SMTP connection check successful!"
    info = "Error # "+string(status.status) + ", " + status.statusText)


    .connectionTimeOut : integer


    The .connectionTimeOut property contains the maximum wait time (in seconds) allowed to establish a connection to the server. By default, if the property has not been set in the server object (used to create the transporter object with SMTP New transporter, POP3 New transporter, or IMAP New transporter), the value is 30.


    .headerCharset : string


    The .headerCharset property contains the charset and encoding used for the email header. The header includes the following parts of the email:

    • subject,
    • attachment filename(s),
    • email name.

    Possible values:

    mail mode ISO2022JPUS-ASCII_ISO-2022-JP_UTF8_QP
  • headerCharset: US-ASCII if possible, Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) & Quoted-printable if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & Quoted-printable
  • bodyCharset: US-ASCII if possible, Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) & 7-bit if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & Quoted-printable
  • mail mode ISO88591ISO-8859-1
  • headerCharset: ISO-8859-1 & Quoted-printable
  • bodyCharset: ISO-8859-1 & 8-bit
  • mail mode UTF8US-ASCII_UTF8_QPheaderCharset & bodyCharset: US-ASCII if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & Quoted-printable (default value)
    mail mode UTF8 in base64US-ASCII_UTF8_B64headerCharset & bodyCharset: US-ASCII if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & base64


    .host : string


    The .host property contains the name or the IP address of the host server. Used for mail transactions (SMTP, POP3, IMAP).


    .keepAlive : boolean


    The .keepAlive property contains true if the SMTP connection must be kept alive until the transporter object is destroyed, and false otherwise. By default, if the keepAlive property has not been set in the server object (used to create the transporter object), it is true.

    The SMTP connection is automatically closed:

    • when the transporter object is destroyed if the .keepAlive property is true,
    • after each .send() function execution if the .keepAlive property is set to false.


    .logFile : string


    The .logFile property contains the path of the extended log file defined (if any) for the mail connection.


    .port : integer


    The .port property contains the port number used for mail transactions. By default, if the port property has not been set in the server object (used to create the transporter object), the port used is:

    • SMTP - 587
    • POP3 - 995
    • IMAP - 993


    .send( mail : object ) : object

    mailobjectEmail to send
    ResultobjectSMTP status


    The .send() function sends the mail object to the SMTP server defined in the transporter object and returns a status object.

    The transporter object must have already been created using the constructor.

    The function creates the SMTP connection if it is not already alive. If the .keepAlive property of the transporter object is false, the SMTP connection is automatically closed after the execution of .send(), otherwise it stays alive until the transporter object is destroyed. For more information, please refer to the constructor description.

    In mail, pass a valid Email object to send. The origination (where the email is coming from) and destination (one or more recipients) properties must be included, the remaining properties are optional.

    Returned object

    The function returns an object describing the SMTP status of the operation. This object can contain the following properties:

    successbooleanTrue if the send is successful, false otherwise
    statusnumberStatus code returned by the SMTP server (0 in case of an issue unrelated to the mail processing)
    statusTextstringStatus message returned by the SMTP server

    In case of an issue unrelated to the SMTP processing (e.g. a mandatory property is missing in mail), Qodly generates an error that you can intercept.

    In this case, the resulting status object contains the following values:

    statusText"Failed to send email"


    .sendTimeOut : integer


    The .sendTimeOut property contains the maximum wait time (in seconds) of a call to .send() before a timeout occurs. By default, if the .sendTimeOut property has not been set in the server object, the value 100 is used.


    .user : string


    The .user property contains the user name used for authentication on the mail server.