The IMAPTransporter
class allows you to retrieve messages from an IMAP email server.
Functions and properties
4D.IMAPTransporter objects provide the following properties and functions:*( server : object ) : 4D.IMAPTransporter
Parameter | Type | Description | |
server | object | → | Mail server information |
Result | 4D.IMAPTransporter | ← | IMAP transporter object |
function configures a new IMAP connection according to the server parameter and returns a new transporter object. The returned transporter object will then usually be used to receive emails.
In the server parameter, pass an object containing the following properties:
Warning: Make sure the defined timeout is lower than the server timeout, otherwise the client timeout will be useless.
The function returns an IMAP transporter object. All returned properties are read-only.
The IMAP connection is automatically closed when the transporter object is destroyed.
var server : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var status : object
var info : string
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
server.logFile = "LogTest.txt" //log to save in the Logs folder
transporter =
status = transporter.checkConnection()
info = "An error occurred: "+status.statusText
.addFlags*( msgIDs : collection , keywords : object ) : object
.addFlags( msgIDs : string , keywords : object ) : object
.addFlags( msgIDs : integer , keywords : object ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgIDs | collection | → | Collection of strings: Message unique IDs (string) |
msgIDs | string | Unique ID of a message | |
msgIDs | integer | kIMAPAll: All messages in the selected mailbox | |
keywords | object | → | Keyword flags to add |
Result | object | ← | Status of the addFlags operation |
The .addFlags()
function adds flags to the msgIDs for the specified keywords
In the msgIDs parameter, you can pass either:
- a collection containing the unique IDs of specific messages or
- the unique ID (string) of a single message or
- the following constant (integer) for all messages in the selected mailbox:
Constant | Value | Comment |
kIMAPAll | 1 | Select all messages in the selected mailbox |
The keywords parameter lets you define the flags to add to msgIDs. You can use the following standard flags as well as custom flags (custom flags support depends on the server implementation):
Property | Type | Description |
$draft | boolean | true to add the "draft" flag to the message |
$seen | boolean | true to add the "seen" flag to the message |
$flagged | boolean | true to add the "flagged" flag to the message |
$answered | boolean | true to add the "answered" flag to the message |
|$deleted |boolean | true to add the "deleted" flag to the message|
|<custom flag>
|boolean | true to add the custom flag to the message|
The custom flags names must respect this rule: the keyword must be a case-insensitive string excluding control chars and space and can not include any of these characters: ( ) { ] % * " \
- For a keyword to be taken into account it has to be true.
- The interpretation of keyword flags may vary per mail client.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var options,boxInfo,status : object
options = newObject() = ""
options.port = 993
options.user = ""
options.password = "xxxxx"
// Create transporter
transporter =
// Select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("INBOX")
// Mark all messages from INBOX as read/seen
flags = newObject
flags["$seen"] = true
status = transporter.addFlags(kIMAPAll,flags)
.append*( mailObj : object , destinationBox : string , options : object ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
mailObj | object | → | Email object |
destinationBox | string | → | Mailbox to receive Email object |
options | object | → | object containing charset info |
Result | object | ← | Status of the append operation |
The .append()
function appends a mailObj
to the destinationBox
In the mailObj
parameter, pass an Email object. For a comprehensive description of mail properties, see Email object. The .append()
function supports keyword tags in the Email object's keywords
The optional destinationBox
parameter lets you pass the name of a mailbox where the mailObj
will be appended. If omitted, the current mailbox is used.
In the optional options
parameter, you can pass an object to define the charset and encoding for specific parts of the email. Available properties:
Property | Type | Description |
headerCharset | string | Charset and encoding used for the following parts of the email: subject, attachment filenames, and email name attribute(s). Possible values: See possible charsets table below |
bodyCharset | string | Charset and encoding used for the html and string body contents of the email. Possible values: See possible charsets table below |
Possible charsets:
Constant | Value | Comment |
kMailModeUTF8 | US-ASCII_UTF8_QP | headerCharset & bodyCharset: US-ASCII if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & Quoted-printable (default value) |
kMailModeUTF8InBase64 | US-ASCII_UTF8_B64 | headerCharset & bodyCharset: US-ASCII if possible, otherwise UTF-8 & base64 |
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
To save an email in the Drafts mailbox:
var imap : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var settings, status, msg: object
settings = newObject("host", "", "user", "xxxx", "password", "xxxx", "port", 993)
imap =
msg = newObject()
msg.from = ""
msg.subject = "Lorem Ipsum"
msg.stringBody = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
msg.keywords = newObject
msg.keywords["$seen"] = true //flag the message as read
msg.keywords["$draft"] = true //flag the message as a draft
status = imap.append(msg, "Drafts")
.checkConnectionDelay* : integer
The .checkConnectionDelay
property contains the maximum time (in seconds) allowed prior to checking the connection to the server. If this time is exceeded between two method calls, the connection to the server will be checked. By default, if the property has not been set in the server object, the value is 300.
Warning: Make sure the defined timeout is lower than the server timeout, otherwise the client timeout will be useless.
.copy*( msgsIDs : collection , destinationBox : string ) : object
.copy( allMsgs : integer , destinationBox : string ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgsIDs | collection | → | Collection of message unique IDs (strings) |
allMsgs | integer | → | kIMAPAll : All messages in the selected mailbox |
destinationBox | string | → | Mailbox to receive copied messages |
Result | object | ← | Status of the copy operation |
The .copy()
function copies the messages defined by msgsIDs or allMsgs to the destinationBox on the IMAP server.
You can pass:
- in the msgsIDs parameter, a collection containing the unique IDs of the specific messages to copy, or
- in the allMsgs parameter, the
constant (integer) to copy all messages in the selected mailbox.
The destinationBox parameter allows you to pass a string value with the name of the mailbox where the copies of messages will be placed.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
Example 1
To copy a selection of messages:
var server,boxInfo,status : object
var mailIds : collection
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("inbox")
//get collection of message unique IDs
mailIds = transporter.searchMails("subject \"New feature:\"")
// copy found messages to the "documents" mailbox
status = transporter.copy(mailIds,"documents")
Example 2
To copy all messages in the current mailbox:
var server,boxInfo,status : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("inbox")
// copy all messages to the "documents" mailbox
status = transporter.copy(kIMAPAll,"documents")
.createBox*( name : string ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
name | string | → | Name of the new mailbox |
Result | object | ← | Status of the mailbox creation operation |
The .createBox()
function creates a mailbox with the given name
. If the IMAP server’s hierarchy separator character appears elsewhere in the mailbox name, the IMAP server will create any parent names needed to create the given mailbox.
In other words, an attempt to create "Projects/IMAP/Doc" on a server in which "/" is the hierarchy separator character will create:
- Only the "Doc" mailbox if "Projects" & "IMAP" already exist.
- "IMAP" & "Doc" mailboxes if only "Projects" already exists.
- "Projects" & "IMAP" & "Doc" mailboxes, if they do not already exist.
In the name
parameter, pass the name of the new mailbox.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
To create a new "Invoices" mailbox:
var info : string
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var options, status : object
options = newObject() = ""
options.user = ""
options.password = "XXXX"
transporter =
status = transporter.createBox("Invoices")
info = "Mailbox creation successful!"
info = "Error: "+status.statusText
.delete*( msgsIDs : collection ) : object
.delete( msgsIDs : integer ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgsIDs | collection | → | collection of message unique IDs (strings) |
msgsIDs | integer | → | kIMAPAll : All messages in the selected mailbox |
Result | object | ← | Status of the delete operation |
The .delete()
function sets the "deleted" flag for the messages defined in msgsIDs.
In the msgsIDs parameter, you can pass:
- a collection containing the unique IDs of the specific messages to delete, or
- the
constant (integer) to delete all messages in the selected mailbox.
Executing this function does not actually remove messages. Messages with the "delete" flag can still be found by the .searchMails()
function. Flagged messages are deleted from the IMAP server with the .expunge()
function or by selecting another mailbox or when the IMAP transporter object (created with is destroyed.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
Example 1
To delete a selection of messages:
var server,boxInfo,status : object
var mailIds : collection
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("Inbox")
//get collection of message unique IDs
mailIds = transporter.searchMails("subject \"Reports\"")
// Delete selected messages
status = transporter.delete(mailIds)
Example 2
To delete all messages in the current mailbox:
var server,boxInfo,status : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("Junk Email")
// delete all messages in the current mailbox
status = transporter.delete(kIMAPAll)
.deleteBox*( name : string ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
name | string | → | Name of the mailbox to delete |
Result | object | ← | Status of the mailbox deletion operation |
The .deleteBox()
function permanently removes the mailbox with the given name from the IMAP server. Attempting to delete an INBOX or a mailbox that does not exist will generate an error.
In the name parameter, pass the name of the mailbox to delete.
- The function cannot delete a mailbox that has child mailboxes if the parent mailbox has the "\Noselect" attribute.
- All messages in the deleted mailbox will also be deleted.
- The ability to delete a mailbox depends on the mail server.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
To delete the "Nova Orion Industries" child mailbox from the "Bills" mailbox hierarchy:
var pw, name, info : string
var options, status : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
options = newObject()
pw = "XXXXXX" //password = ""
options.user = ""
options.password = pw
transporter =
// delete mailbox
name = "Bills"+transporter.getDelimiter()+"Nova Orion Industries"
status = transporter.deleteBox(name)
info = "Mailbox deletion successful!"
info = "Error: "+status.statusText
.expunge*() : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
Result | object | ← | Status of the expunge operation |
The .expunge()
function removes all messages with the "deleted" flag from the IMAP mail server. The "deleted" flag can be set with the .delete()
or .addFlags()
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var options,boxInfo,status : object
var ids : collection
options = newObject() = ""
options.port = 993
options.user = ""
options.password = "xxxxx"
// Create transporter
transporter =
// Select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("INBOX")
// Find and delete all seen messages in INBOX
ids = transporter.searchMails("SEEN")
status = transporter.delete(ids)
// Purge all messages flagged as deleted
status = transporter.expunge()
.getBoxInfo*({ name : string }) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
name | string | → | Name of the mailbox |
Result | object | ← | boxInfo object |
The .getBoxInfo()
function returns a boxInfo
object corresponding to the current maibox, or the mailbox name. This function returns the same information as .selectBox()
without changing the current mailbox.
In the optional name parameter, pass the name of the mailbox to access. The name represents an unambiguous left-to-right hierarchy with levels separated by a specific delimiter character. The delimiter can be found with the .getDelimiter()
If the mailbox name is not selectable or does not exist, the function generates an error and returns null.
Returned object
The boxInfo
object returned contains the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the mailbox |
mailCount | number | Number of messages in the mailbox |
mailRecent | number | Number of messages with the "recent" flag (indicating new messages) |
id | string | Unique id of the mailbox |
mailUnseen | number | Number of messages with the "unseen" flag |
var server : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var boxInfo : object
var info : string
transporter =
boxInfo = transporter.getBoxInfo("INBOX")
info = "INBOX contains "+string(boxInfo.mailRecent)+" recent emails."
.getBoxList*( { parameters : object } ) : collection
Parameter | Type | Description | |
parameters | object | → | Parameter object |
Result | collection | ← | Collection of mailbox objects |
The .getBoxList()
function returns a collection of mailboxes describing all of the available mailboxes. This function allows you to locally manage the list of messages located on the IMAP mail server.
In the optional parameters parameter, pass an object containing values to filter the returned mailboxes. You can pass:
Property | Type | Description |
isSubscribed | boolean | |
names | collection | Collection of objects containing a "name" attribute or collection of texts containing the box names |
withBoxProperties | boolean | If true (default): adds the selectable , inferior , and interesting attributes to the result object. If false, these attributes are omitted. |
withBoxInfo | boolean | Default value is false. If true, adds the mailCount , mailRecent , and id attributes to the result object. |
Each object of the returned collection contains the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
[].name | string | Name of the mailbox. Returned if withBoxProperties=true or withBoxInfo=true |
[].selectable | boolean | Indicates whether or not the access rights allow the mailbox to be selected:
[].inferior | boolean | Indicates whether or not the access rights allow creating a lower hierachy in the mailbox:
[].interesting | boolean | Indicates if the mailbox has been marked "interesting" by the server:
[].mailCount | number | Number of messages in inbox. Returned if withBoxInfo=true |
[].mailRecent | number | Number of messages marked "recent" (indicating new messages). Returned if withBoxInfo=true |
[].mailUnseen | number | Number of messages marked "unseen". Returned if withBoxInfo=true |
[].id | string | Unique mailbox identifier. Returned if withBoxInfo=true |
If the account does not contain any mailboxes, an empty collection is returned.
- If there is no open connection,
will open a connection.- If the connection has not been used since the designated connection delay (see
), the.checkConnection( )
function is automatically called.
var server : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var boxList : collection
var info, split : string
transporter =
boxList = transporter.getBoxList()
split = splitString(,transporter.getDelimiter())
info = "New emails are available in the box: "+split[split.length-1])
.getDelimiter*() : string
Parameter | Type | Description | |
Result | string | ← | Hierarchy delimiter character |
The .getDelimiter()
function returns the character used to delimit levels of hierarchy in the mailbox name.
The delimiter is a character which can be used to:
- create lower level (inferior) mailboxes
- search higher or lower within the mailbox hierarchy
Mailbox name delimiter character.
- If there is no open connection,
will open a connection.- If the connection has not been used since the designated connection delay, the
function is automatically called.
See getBoxList()
.getMail*( msgNumber: integer { , options : object } ) : object
.getMail( msgID: string { , options : object } ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgNumber | integer | → | Sequence number of the message |
msgID | string | → | Unique ID of the message |
options | object | → | Message handling instructions |
Result | object | ← | Email object |
The .getMail()
function returns the Email
object corresponding to the msgNumber or msgID in the mailbox designated by the IMAP transporter
object. This function allows you to locally handle the email contents.
In the first parameter, you can pass either:
- msgNumber, an integer value indicating the sequence number of the message to retrieve or
- msgID, a string value indicating the unique ID of the message to retrieve.
The optional options parameter allows you pass an object defining additional instructions for handling the message. The following properties are available:
Property | Type | Description |
updateSeen | boolean | If true, the message is marked as "seen" in the mailbox. If False, the message is not marked as "seen". Default value: true |
withBody | boolean | Pass true to return the body of the message. If False, only the message header is returned. Default value: true |
- The function generates an error and returns Null if msgID designates a non-existing message,
- If no mailbox is selected with the
function, an error is generated,- If there is no open connection,
will open a connection the last mailbox specified with.selectBox()
returns an Email
object with the following specific IMAP properties: id, receivedAt, and size.
You want to get the message with ID = 1:
var server : object
var info, mail, boxInfo : variant
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
//create transporter
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("Inbox")
//get Email object with ID 1
mail = transporter.getMail(1)
.getMails*( ids : collection { , options : object } ) : object
.getMails( startMsg : integer , endMsg : integer { , options : object } ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
ids | collection | → | Collection of message ID |
startMsg | integer | → | Sequence number of the first message |
endMsg | integer | → | Sequence number of the last message |
options | object | → | Message handling instructions |
Result | object | ← | Object containing:
The .getMails()
function returns an object containing a collection of Email
First Syntax:
.getMails( ids { , options } ) -> result
The first syntax allows you to retrieve messages based on their IDs.
In the ids parameter, pass a collection of IDs for the messages to return. You can get the IDs with .getMail()
The optional options parameter allows you to define the parts of the messages to be returned. See the Options table below for a description of the available properties.
Second syntax:
.getMails( startMsg , endMsg { , options } ) -> result
The second syntax allows you to retrieve messages based on a sequential range. The values passed represent the position of the messages in the mailbox.
In the startMsg parameter, pass an integer value corresponding to the number of the first message in a sequential range. If you pass a negative number (startMsg <= 0), the first message of the mailbox will be used as the beginning of the sequence.
In the endMsg parameter, pass an integer value corresponding to the number of the last message to be included in a sequential range. If you pass a negative number (endMsg <= 0), the last message of the mailbox will be used as the end of the sequence.
The optional options parameter allows you to define the parts of the messages to be returned.
Property | Type | Description |
updateSeen | boolean | If true, the specified messages are marked as "seen" in the mailbox. If False, the messages are not marked as "seen". Default value: true |
withBody | boolean | Pass true to return the body of the specified messages. If false, only the message headers are returned. Default value: true |
- If no mailbox is selected with the
command, an error is generated.- If there is no open connection,
will open a connection the last mailbox specified with.selectBox()
returns an object containing the following collections:
Property | Type | Description |
list | collection | collection of Email objects. If no Email objects are found, an empty collection is returned. |
notFound | collection | collection of:
You want to retrieve the 20 most recent emails without changing their "seen" status:
var server,boxInfo,result : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
//create transporter
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("INBOX")
// retrieve the headers of the last 20 messages
// without marking them as read
result = transporter.getMails(boxInfo.mailCount-20,boxInfo.mailCount,\
// ...
.getMIMEAsblob*( msgNumber : integer { , updateSeen : boolean } ) : blob
.getMIMEAsblob( msgID : string { , updateSeen : boolean } ) : blob
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgNumber | integer | → | Sequence number of the message |
msgID | string | → | Unique ID of the message |
updateSeen | boolean | → | If true, the message is marked "seen" in the mailbox. If False the message is left untouched. |
Result | BLOB | ← | blob of the MIME string returned from the mail server |
The .getMIMEAsblob()
function returns a BLOB containing the MIME contents for the message corresponding to the msgNumber or msgID in the mailbox designated by the IMAP_transporter
In the first parameter, you can pass either:
- msgNumber, an integer value indicating the sequence number of the message to retrieve or
- msgID, a string value indicating the unique ID of the message to retrieve.
The optional updateSeen parameter allows you to specify if the message is marked as "seen" in the mailbox. You can pass:
- true - to mark the message as "seen" (indicating the message has been read)
- false - to leave the message's "seen" status untouched
- The function returns an empty blob if msgNumber or msgID* designates a non-existing message,
- If no mailbox is selected with the
command, an error is generated,- If there is no open connection,
will open a connection the last mailbox specified with.selectBox()
returns a blob
which can be archived in a database or converted to an Email
object with the mailConvertFromMIME
var server : object
var boxInfo : variant
var blob : blob
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = ""
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
//create transporter
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("Inbox")
//get BLOB
blob = transporter.getMIMEAsblob(1)
.move*( msgsIDs : collection , destinationBox : string ) : object
.move( allMsgs : integer , destinationBox : string ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgsIDs | collection | → | collection of message unique IDs (strings) |
allMsgs | integer | → | kIMAPAll : All messages in the selected mailbox |
destinationBox | string | → | Mailbox to receive moved messages |
Result | object | ← | Status of the move operation |
The .move()
function moves the messages defined by msgsIDs or allMsgs to the destinationBox on the IMAP server.
You can pass:
- in the msgsIDs parameter, a collection containing the unique IDs of the specific messages to move, or
- in the allMsgs parameter, the
constant (integer) to move all messages in the selected mailbox.
The destinationBox parameter allows you to pass a string value with the name of the mailbox where the messages will be moved.
This function is only supported by IMAP servers compliant with RFC 8474.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | 4D error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
Example 1
To move a selection of messages:
var server,boxInfo,status : object
var mailIds : collection
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("inbox")
//get collection of message unique IDs
mailIds = transporter.searchMails("subject \"New feature:\"")
// Move found messages from the current mailbox to the "documents" mailbox
status = transporter.move(mailIds,"documents")
Example 2
To move all messages in the current mailbox:
var server,boxInfo,status : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("inbox")
// move all messages in the current mailbox to the "documents" mailbox
status = transporter.move(kIMAPAll,"documents")
.numToID*( startMsg : integer , endMsg : integer ) : collection
Parameter | Type | Description | |
startMsg | integer | → | Sequence number of the first message |
endMsg | integer | → | Sequence number of the last message |
Result | collection | ← | collection of unique IDs |
The .numToID()
function converts the sequence numbers to IMAP unique IDs for the messages in the sequential range designated by startMsg and endMsg in the currently selected mailbox.
In the startMsg parameter, pass an integer value corresponding to the number of the first message in a sequential range. If you pass a negative number (startMsg <= 0), the first message of the mailbox will be used as the beginning of the sequence.
In the endMsg parameter, pass an integer value corresponding to the number of the last message to be included in a sequential range. If you pass a negative number (endMsg <= 0), the last message of the mailbox will be used as the end of the sequence.
The function returns a collection of strings (unique IDs).
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var server,boxInfo,status : object
var mailIds : collection
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.port = 993
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
transporter =
//select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("inbox")
//get IDs for 5 last messages received
mailIds = transporter.numToID((boxInfo.mailCount-5),boxInfo.mailCount)
//delete the messages from the current mailbox
status = transporter.delete(mailIds)
.removeFlags*( msgIDs : collection , keywords : object ) : object
.removeFlags( msgIDs : string , keywords : object ) : object
.removeFlags( msgIDs : integer , keywords : object ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgIDs | collection | → | Collection of strings: Message unique IDs (string) |
msgIDs | string | Unique ID of a message | |
msgIDs | integer | kIMAPAll: All messages in the selected mailbox | |
keywords | object | → | Keyword flags to remove |
Result | object | ← | Status of the removeFlags operation |
The .removeFlags()
function removes flags from the msgIDs for the specified keywords
In the msgIDs parameter, you can pass either:
- a collection containing the unique IDs of specific messages or
- the unique ID (string) of a single message or
- the following constant (integer) for all messages in the selected mailbox:
Constant | Value | Comment |
kIMAPAll | 1 | Select all messages in the selected mailbox |
The keywords
parameter lets you define the flags to remove from msgIDs. You can use the following standard flags as well as custom flags:
Parameter | Type | Description |
$draft | boolean | true to remove the "draft" flag from the message |
$seen | boolean | true to remove the "seen" flag from the message |
$flagged | boolean | true to remove the "flagged" flag from the message |
$answered | boolean | true to remove the "answered" flag from the message |
$deleted | boolean | true to remove the "deleted" flag from the message |
<custom flag> | boolean | true to remove the custom flag from the message |
Please refer to .addFlags() for more information on custom flags.
- For a keyword to be taken into account it has to be true.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
var options,boxInfo,status : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
options = newObject() = ""
options.port = 993
options.user = ""
options.password = "xxxxx"
// Create transporter
transporter =
// Select mailbox
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("INBOX")
// Mark all messages from INBOX as unseen
flags = newObject
flags["$seen"] = true
status = transporter.removeFlags(kIMAPAll,flags)
.renameBox*( currentName : string , newName : string ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
currentName | string | → | Name of the current mailbox |
newName | string | → | New mailbox name |
Result | object | ← | Status of the renaming operation |
The .renameBox()
function changes the name of a mailbox on the IMAP server. Attempting to rename a mailbox from a mailbox name that does not exist or to a mailbox name that already exists will generate an error.
In the currentName
parameter, pass the name of the mailbox to be renamed.
Pass the new name for the mailbox in the newName
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
To to rename your "Invoices mailbox to "Bills":
var options, status : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
var info : string
options = newObject() = ""
options.user = ""
options.password = "XXXXX"
transporter =
// rename mailbox
status = transporter.renameBox("Invoices", "Bills")
info = "Mailbox renaming successful!"
info = "Error: "+status.statusText
.searchMails*( searchCriteria : string ) : collection
Parameter | Type | Description | |
searchCriteria | string | → | Search criteria |
Result | collection | ← | collection of message numbers |
This function is based upon the specification for the IMAP protocol.
The .searchMails()
function searches for messages that match the given searchCriteria in the current mailbox. searchCriteria consists of one or more search keys.
searchCriteria is a string parameter listing one or more search keys (see Authorized search-keys below) associated or not with values to look for. A search key may be a single or multiple items. For example:
SearchKey1 = FLAGGED
SearchKey2 = NOT FLAGGED
Matching is usually not case-sensitive
- If the searchCriteria is a null string, the search will be equivalent to a “select all”.
- If the searchCriteria includes multiple search keys, the result is the intersection (AND function) of all the messages that match those keys.
searchCriteria = FLAGGED FROM "SMITH"
... returns all messages with \Flagged flag set AND sent by Smith.
- You can use the OR or NOT operators as follows:
searchCriteria = OR SEEN FLAGGED
... returns all messages with \Seen flag set OR \Flagged flag set
searchCriteria = NOT SEEN
... returns all messages with \Seen flag not set.
... returns message whose content-type header contains “Mixed” and does not contain “string”.
... returns message whose content-type header contains “ e ” and whose Subject header does not contain “ o ” and whose content-type header is not “ Mixed ”.
As concerns the last two examples, notice that the result of the search is different when you remove the parentheses of the first search key list.
- The searchCriteria may include the optional [CHARSET] specification. This consists of the "CHARSET" word followed by a registered [CHARSET] (US ASCII, ISO-8859). It indicates the charset of the searchCriteria string. Therefore, you must convert the searchCriteria string into the specified charset if you use the [CHARSET] specification (see the
orConvert to string
commands). By default, 4D encodes in Quotable Printable the searchCriteria string if it contains extended characters.
searchCriteria = CHARSET "ISO-8859" BODY "Help"
... means the search criteria uses the charset iso-8859 and the server will have to convert the search criteria before searching, if necessary.
Search value types
Search-keys may request the value to search for:
Search-keys with a date value: the date is a string that must be formatted as follows: date-day+"-"+date-month+"-"+date-year where date-day indicates the number of the day of the month (max. 2 characters), date-month indicates the name of the month (Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May/Jun/Jul/Aug/Sep/Oct/Dec) and date-year indicates the year (4 characters). Example:
searchCriteria = SENTBEFORE 1-Feb-2020
(a date does not usually need to be quoted since it does not contain any special characters) -
Search-keys with a string value: the string may contain any character and must be quoted. If the string does not contain any special characters, like the space character for instance, it does not need to be quoted. Quoting such strings will ensure that your string value will be correctly interpreted. Example:
searchCriteria = FROM "SMITH"
For all search keys that use strings, a message matches the key if the string is a substring of the field. Matching is not case-sensitive. -
Search-keys with a field-name value: the field-name is the name of a header field. Example:
Search-keys with a flag value: the flag may accept one or several keywords (including standard flags), separated by spaces. Example:
searchCriteria = KEYWORD \Flagged \Draft
Search-keys with a message set value: Identifies a set of messages. For message sequence numbers, these are consecutive numbers from 1 to the total number of messages in the mailbox. A comma delimits individual numbers, a colon delimits between two numbers inclusive. Examples:
for a mailbox with 15 messages.searchCriteria = 1:5 ANSWERED
search in message selection from message sequence number 1 to 5 for messages which have the \Answered flag set.searchCriteria = 2,4 ANSWERED
search in the message selection (message numbers 2 and 4) for messages which have the \Answered flag set.
Authorized search-keys
ALL: All messages in the mailbox.
ANSWERED: Messages with the \Answered flag set.
UNANSWERED: Messages that do not have the \Answered flag set.
DELETED: Messages with the \Deleted flag set.
UNDELETED: Messages that do not have the \Deleted flag set.
DRAFT: Messages with the \Draft flag set.
UNDRAFT: Messages that do not have the \Draft flag set.
FLAGGED: Messages with the \Flagged flag set.
UNFLAGGED: Messages that do not have the \Flagged flag set.
RECENT: Messages that have the \Recent flag set.
OLD: Messages that do not have the \Recent flag set.
SEEN: Messages that have the \Seen flag set.
UNSEEN: Messages that do not have the \Seen flag set.
NEW: Messages that have the \Recent flag set but not the \Seen flag. This is functionally equivalent to “(RECENT UNSEEN)”.
KEYWORD flag: Messages with the specified keyword set.
UNKEYWORD flag: Messages that do not have the specified keyword set.
BEFORE date: Messages whose internal date is earlier than the specified date.
ON date: Messages whose internal date is within the specified date.
SINCE date: Messages whose internal date is within or later than the specified date.
SENTBEFORE date: Messages whose Date header is earlier than the specified date.
SENTON date: Messages whose Date header is within the specified date.
SENTSINCE date: Messages whose Date header is within or later than the specified date.
TO string: Messages that contain the specified string in the TO header.
FROM string: Messages that contain the specified string in the FROM header.
CC string: Messages that contain the specified string in the CC header.
BCC string: Messages that contain the specified string in the BCC header.
SUBJECT string: Messages that contain the specified string in the Subject header.
BODY string: Messages that contain the specified string in the message body.
TEXT string: Messages that contain the specified string in the header or in the message body.
HEADER field-name string: Messages that have a header with the specified field-name and that contain the specified string in the field-body.
UID message-UID: Messages with unique identifiers corresponding to the specified unique identifier set.
LARGER n: Messages with a size larger than the specified number of bytes.
SMALLER n: Messages with a size smaller than the specified number of bytes.
NOT search-key: Messages that do not match the specified search key.
OR search-key1 search-key2: Messages that match either search key.
.selectBox*( name : string { , state : integer } ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
name | string | → | Name of the mailbox |
state | integer | → | Mailbox access status |
Result | object | ← | boxInfo object |
The .selectBox()
function selects the name mailbox as the current mailbox. This function allows you to retrieve information about the mailbox.
To get the information from a mailbox without changing the current mailbox, use
In the name parameter, pass the name of the mailbox to access. The name represents an unambiguous left-to-right hierarchy with levels separated by a specific delimiter character. The delimiter can be found with the .getDelimiter()
The optional state parameter defines the type of access to the mailbox. The possible values are:
Constant | Value | Comment |
IMAP read only state | 1 | The selected mailbox is accessed with read only privileges. Messages with a "recent" flag (indicating new messages) remain unchanged. |
IMAP read write state | 0 | The selected mailbox is accessed with read and write privileges. Messages are considered "seen" and lose the "recent" flag (indicating new messages). (Default value) |
- The function generates an error and returns Null if name designates a non-existing mailbox.
- If there is no open connection,
will open a connection.- If the connection has not been used since the designated connection delay (see
), the.checkConnection()
function is automatically called.
Returned object
The boxInfo
object returned contains the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the mailbox |
mailCount | number | Number of messages in the mailbox |
mailRecent | number | Number of messages with the "recent" flag |
id | string | Unique id of the mailbox |
flags | string | List of flags currently used for the mailbox, separated by spaces |
permanentFlags | string | List of flags that the client can change permanently (except for the \Recent flag, which is managed by the IMAP server), separated by spaces |
If permanentFlags
string includes the special flag *, it means that the server supports custom flags.
var server, boxinfo : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
server = newObject() = "" //Mandatory
server.user = ""
server.password = "XXXXXXXX"
transporter =
boxInfo = transporter.selectBox("INBOX")
.subscribe*( name : string ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
name | string | → | Name of the mailbox |
Result | object | ← | Status of the subscribe operation |
The .subscribe()
function allows adding or removing of the specified mailbox to/from the IMAP server’s set of “subscribed” mailboxes. As such, you can choose to narrow down a large list of available mailboxes by subscribing to those you usually want to see.
In the name parameter, pass the name of the mailbox to add (subscribe) to your "subscribed" mailboxes.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
To subscribe to the "Atlas Corp" mailbox in the "Bills" hierarchy:
var name, info : string
var options, status : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
options = newObject() = ""
options.user = ""
options.password = "XXXXXX"
transporter =
name = "Bills"+transporter.getDelimiter()+"Atlas Corp"
status = transporter.subscribe(name)
info = "Mailbox subscription successful!"
info = "Error: "+status.statusText
.unsubscribe*( name : string ) : object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
name | string | → | Name of the mailbox |
Result | object | ← | Status of the unsubscribe operation |
The .unsubscribe()
function removes a mailbox from a set of subscribed mailboxes. This allows you reduce the number of mailboxes you usually see.
In the name
parameter, pass the name of the mailbox to remove (unsubscribe) from your active mailboxes.
Returned object
The function returns an object describing the IMAP status:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | true if the operation is successful, False otherwise | |
statusText | string | Status message returned by the IMAP server, or last error returned in the Qodly error stack | |
errors | collection | Qodly error stack (not returned if a IMAP server response is received) | |
[].errcode | Number | Qodly error code | |
[].message | string | Description of the Qodly error | |
[].componentSignature | string | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
To unsubscribe from the "Atlas Corp” mailbox in the "Bills" hierarchy:
var info, name : string
var options, status : object
var transporter : 4D.IMAPTransporter
options = newObject() = ""
options.user = ""
options.password = pw
transporter =
name = "Bills"+transporter.getDelimiter()+"Atlas Corp"
status = transporter.unsubscribe(name)
info = "Mailbox unsubscription successful!"
info = "Error: "+status.statusText