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Qodly Studio

Do I need specific expertise in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript to use Qodly Studio?
No, Qodly Studio offers an experience of intuitive and visual web development that does not require any expertise of web technologies.
Is Qodly Studio supported on all Web browsers?
See the requirements list [here](/docs/studio/overview#requirements).
Why is the Base State Visible Before the Correct State?

The Base state becomes momentarily visible because the actual correct state is applied only after the page has initially rendered. This occurs due to the timing of when qodly sources and conditions are processed. Initially, the page loads and displays the Base state by default. As qodly sources are fetched and conditions evaluated, the appropriate state for the user is determined and applied, causing the transition from the Base state to the correct state.

To resolve this, the onInit event should be used to ensure that all necessary qodly sources and conditions are set up before the page is rendered. This approach prevents the Base state from being displayed and ensures the page renders directly into the correct state based on the user's role and conditions.

Qodly Cloud

Why is there only a sandbox category?
Other categories (applications and shared applications) will be open after the Beta phase.
Where are stored my data?
Your data are stored on AWS (Amazon Cloud).

Qodly Server

Can I install a local instance of Qodly Server?
No, Qodly Server is only proposed a a cloud service.

Qodly Script

What's the difference between cs and ds?

cs is the Class Store object, containing all classes of the current project:

- user classes (e.g. `cs.MyUserClass`)
- datastore classes (e.g. `cs.People`, `cs.PeopleEntity`, etc.).

It is used for:

- **declaration** of both user class and datastore class object variables
- **instantiation** of user class objects.

ds is a shortcut to the main DataStore object, providing access to the ORDA model and data object instances. It is a kind of singleton, used for instantiation of datastore objects. Datastore objects are instantiated and managed by ORDA and cannot be handled through the cs Class Store.

//declare an object variable of class cs.myClass
var myInstance : cs.myClass
//declare two datastore object variables of class cs.PeopleEntity
var myEntity,myNewEntity : cs.PeopleEntity

//create a new instance of myClass class and put it in the variable
myInstance =
//create a new instance of People dataclass (i.e. a blank entity) and put it in the variable
myNewEntity =
//put an instance of People dataclass (i.e. an entity) in the variable
myEntity = ds.People.get(167)

Custom Components

Why did my custom component fail to upload?
If you encounter an error while importing a custom component, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:
  1. Clearing Browser Cache

    Sometimes, even after a successful import, the component may not appear in the list. In such cases:

    • Clear Your Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache and refresh the page.

    • Re-Test the Import: Try importing the component again.

  2. Check Zip File Structure

    Ensure that your zip file has the correct structure:

    • Top-Level manifest.json File: The zip file should include a manifest.json at the top level.

    • Valid manifest.json Content: The manifest.json file should contain valid content with correct paths.

    • No Source Folder: Ensure the zip file is not a downloaded repository source (e.g., containing a folder named zip at the top level). It should be a properly built component from the Releases section.

What does the failed upload error message mean?
If the upload fails, you might see the following error message:
The upload of the custom component failed. 
Make sure you are importing a properly built custom component for Qodly.

This message indicates that the system was unable to process the zip file you provided. Ensure the zip file is structured correctly and contains all necessary files as per the guidelines.

Common mistakes to avoid while developing custom components
Avoid these common mistakes to ensure a smooth import process:
  • Manual Addition of manifest.json: Adding a manifest.json manually without valid content can cause errors.

  • Incorrect Paths in manifest.json: Ensure all paths specified in the manifest.json are correct and point to valid files within the zip.


Can I use Qodly to build public web sites?
Qodly is rather designed to build business applications with a web interface. All users need to be logged.